“For the past ten years, the displaced persons lived under such conditions in the various shelters located in the 14 Weredas of the city. Lately, the displaced persons who used to live in three of the fourteen Weredas were forcibly kicked out of their shelters by Region 14 Administration and the Police. As a result of this measure, they have been dispersed in all places and are facing extremely grave difficulties. The displaced Ethiopians who are staying in shelters located in some of the Weredas have been notified to evacuate. Their future lives are therefore at stake and quite uncertain. EHRCO staff have gone to the shelters, met the displaced people in person, spoke to them and gathered considerable evidence about their situation. In the process, EHRCO has established that the situation described has been worsened.
The government has spontaneously issued an urgent notice ordering the displaced people (who had lived in the shelters for over ten years) to evacuate the area. The government has taken such a measure without making any preparations and without taking the rainy season into consideration. The notice says that the displaced people is should each receive a small amount of rehabilitation fund from the Administration’s Public Relations and Development Cooperation Bureau and evacuate their temporary shelters within a few days. EHRCO has gathered sufficient information from the notices issued to the displaced people. EHRCO has verified the situation and has presented the following details relating to the number of displaced people who would be affected by the decision.”
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