“On 1Septmber 2004 at about 7:00 a.m. customs police in Dire Dawa town had broken into closed shops in a place known as Ashewa Garment Market. Then they started collecting garments and other textile items displayed for sale with a view to confiscating them. But before the customs police completed the search and confiscation of the goods, owners of the shops arrived and objected to the taking away of their property. Representatives of the shop owners asked the customs police officer commanding the operation why the police were taking their commodities. The commanding officer told the shop owners that they (police) were confiscating only contraband goods and would not touch an item that is legitimately acquired by the merchants. Calmed down by this reply, the shop owners agreed to the search.
However, police tried to take goods that the owners claim to be legitimate telling that they were bought from the customs office itself during auctions and from legitimate dealers in Addis Ababa. The owners objected to the confiscation of those goods and a dispute ensued as police continued the confiscation ignoring the claims of the owners. Then, police tried to disperse the owners and the crowd by clubbing and firing in the air. Members of the defense forces arrived after a while as a reinforcement. Then, police and members of the defense force opened fire indiscriminately. Six persons were killed and 19 others sustained heavy and light injuries by bullets fired by police and members of the defense force. A few policemen were also slightly injured. The customs police took property belonging to the merchants estimated at 30,000 birr. Damage was also caused to other property of an unknown value.”
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